Tuesday, October 6, 2009


she had diamonds on the inside, she wore diamonds on the inside. flowing in and around my head. the state of being completely and fully content is starting to rupture itself back into my system; it's fantastic. the artificially induced hue glaring over the many extravagant roof tops still blows my mind. I wonder what it's like living as a Stepford wife? floral printed aprons and roast dinners every sunday night; surreal. how do people go about living in these conditions? with perfectly paved roads and artistic front yards with their quaint porches and "lucky" dog houses. I took a moment to replenish my system with canada's favorite source of energy. the off beige uniform fully equipped with the golf visor, he kindly didn't charge me for my poison, all because I told him to take his time when he politely asked me to give him a few. funny how simplicity and patience is taken for granted by the majority of the human race in our first world countries. my soloness continues as I decide to indulge in our city's live music; tonights choice was the blues. she was about 60 years old and rocked her gibson super hard. I only stayed long enough to finish my veno.
I am fully aware that tonight is not apart of my recovery; but if you were me, you'd understand that I don't just sleep for days on end. I would blow up; for real: into a million pieces of jingle filled, multicolored confetti. It would look nice, but then it's purpose is suddenly over. I'm not ready to put mine on hold.

I'll be back on my tracks next week; should I be? probably not; but, ah geez. whatever.

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