So what started as a typical Thursday did not quite end that way. What started as something that was not being accomplished ended with burning legs.
This afternoon I treated myself in sleeping in late and then laying around until I had to go to work(this is something I indulge in quite frequently actually,). I worked, where I witnessed a man waddle with his tail in between his legs behind his girlfriend; nothing spectacular otherwise happened. Work ended and I managed to scrounge up an idea that turned a typical Thursday night into something completely unexpected!
"Hey, you wanna grab a Latte and go for a late night stroll?"
"Yeah! I'm down."
Part I: The plan.
I picked her up and met the family. "We're just going for coffee mom!" she yells as we shuffle out the front door. We hop into the worn down hatchback and get moving. Stop one, coffee. Stop two, cigarettes. Stop three, Wellington... oh, no, Osbourne. Stop four, Wellington.
Part II: The late night stroll.
We ended up in Wellington to gaze and awe all the beautiful homes that were located there. Our conversations were epic, so epic in fact, that it saved our lives. We stumbled around with our cold coffees chatting and imagining what families lived like in our favorite homes. I can only imagine what people were thinking as they laid in bed and suddenly they hear squealing and giggling outside. Two girls smoking and pointing at "the red door" and "the "make a house look epic" lights" and "the cute porch" and "oh my god, it's made of stone!". My god, we must have seemed nuts. Long after we had reached a fork in the road, we had decided it was getting late and we had walked really far. It was time to head back.
Part III: Where the fuck is my car?
We're seriously lost. We walked down every direction that look familiar.
"I vaguely remember that house."
"No, cause we came from that direction which means it has to be this way"
"Every house looks the same at this point."
"I know..."
Walking up one street, then back down, freaking out but trying to remain calm. It's almost one in the morning, NO ONE IS OUT. After many, many failed attempts at what we thought was "the right way" we went back to what we knew we had passed; The multicolored Christmas lights. Standing there, trying to picture what direction we came from, we finally settled on the direction we hadn't gone down, (process of elimination is great!).
Part 4: Eureka.
"Oh hey I remember that house cause' remember I was like "oh hey! It's made of stone!""
We were on the right track. We passed by the deserted cup. We were both relieved. We finally made it back in one piece.
My legs are twitching from the panic induced power walk. But! Midnight adventure is now crossed off my bucket list and I made up for the six double chocolate chip cookies I ate at work.
wait, what?